Saturday, May 17, 2008

another give away....go check it out

Erin is giving away this cute little Raggedy Annie. She's starting a new online business called Hannies Annies. Go check it out and wish her good luck!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Motivation Friday

I have to report that nary a stitch has been sewn this week. I've been a bit out of sorts....dear hubby is battling an awful case of shingles. I'll admit that I've been playing on the computer, learning more digiscrapping with photoshop. I've amazed myself....some of it is actually starting to sink it. Since I have no fabric to wow you with, I'll share my latest assignment. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. I plan to join in Judy's quiltathon this weekend. Have a few little projects in mind.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

and the winner is.............

Yes, it's Kimmy....woohoo! Thank you all so much for playing along. I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day....I did!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I did it....oh, yes I did!

I managed to make a digital scrapbook page, oh yes I did!!!! I'm taking an online course from Jessica Sprague.
I managed to get through the first lesson with minimal cursing and pulling of hair. But.....when it came to the midweek assignment there was much angst, cursing and hairpulling. Unlike my usual MO, which is to shut down the program for a very long time, never to be opened again or very rarely....if the truth be known. This time I stuck with it, and with it, and then with it some more. Eventually, some things began to click in my pea sized brain and layout!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

how 'bout a little give-away

I'm giving my sewing room a much need cleaning and I came across these rulers. I had bought them for someone but she already had a set. Since I have a set too, I thought I would have a little give-away. Leave me a comment on this post and I will pull a name on Sunday. Who knows what I might find down there.....maybe some more goodies to give away. :)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

stash report

This week I worked on the little lovies, not snugglies as I thought they were called. They are used in the ICN to help promote bonding between the mamas and the babies. I will bust 10 yards of flannel on them. I haven't added anything and I hope to bust a few more yards on some backing this week.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Motivation Friday

Vicky has challenged us to post what we have done for the week. I can't say that I accomplished a great deal. I did a few more stringblocks and some 10" little snugglies for preemie babies. I hope to get a lot more done this weekend along with putting the stringblock quilt top together.

Photo of the day....what you see IS the essence of Maggie's personality.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

my new toy

I've always been fascinated by really good photography....something I'm not very good at. I'll blame it on Ree over at Pioneer Woman.....I got a new camera. It's a Nikon d80 and although I don't really know how to work all the buttons, I just love it. I'm starting an online digital scrapbooking course which I'm hoping will teach me how to use photoshop. Anyways, a challenge was put out to take and post a photo everyday. So since I have nothing quilty to show you, I'll share a few photos I took out in the yard today.