My hubby called me this morning from work to ask how "his girls" were? The cats....he wanted to know how the cats were. I guess when he went into the bathroom there was a mouse trap with a mouse included. I'm sorry for all you animal lovers but.....if they are coming into my house they are fair game. And SNAP is the only way to be sure they are gone. Did I tell you that I just hate mice. Seems the sound I heard was the jingling of the trap. My kitties are so proud when they catch that Sure makes me feel secure knowing they are on the job because you know.....I just hate........yep, you guessed it.....MICE!
Then I couldn't access my hotmail account. I have Norton 360 and apparently they decided that hotmail's security certificate was revoked. So I got online with the support team. First it was Arurag and before he could fix my issues we were disconnected. Next came was a very short conversation as we were also disconnected. But then came my friend Sunil...I call him my friend because we were online together for the better part of an hour. Although he didn't fix my hotmail issue, he did fix my live update issue. So we were very happy. We disconnected on our own, I ran my live update and rebooted my computer. I was gonna get to my hotmail....wrong. But Shivaprosad....don't ask me to pronouce that one.....came to my rescue. He did fix my hotmail issues and I'm happy to say I can read my mail. I'm still having an issue with my messinger but I can't bear to meet another new friend today whose name I won't be able to pronounce. All of this, by the way, only took about 4 hours to complete.
The day was not a total loss.....I am having a ball with my cat stitchery. Of course I did a whole bunch of it with stem stitching when it was supposed to back stitching. A little frogging and we're back in business and I'm loving it.
If you haven't seen Kim's Hometown block yet go check it's wonderful and she is so creative. Who needs Lynette Jensen when we have Kim! Ohhhhh....did I just say
Ok....I'm not sure what's going on with the pictures. You can't click to enlarge them....anyone know what I did wrong? Aaarrrrgggg I better get off the puter before I have more troubles and have to call up some more friends whose names...well you know.....
Ewww, mice! At least your kitties don't get their noses caught in the traps like Daisy did -- twice in one day! Silly dog!
Your stitchery is so beautiful! I have little bits here and there on these applique projects, and it's awful. I guess I just need to dive into an embroidery project and learn/improve as I go. I have to keep looking at the picture of stitch instructions every time I take a stitch! LOL.
I have mice and snap they go in my house too!
I can't wait to see your cat stitchery.
I am not happy when I call a help desks and they are unable to fix my problems and it take hours.
Lol at catching the trap! would they catch a mouse if the trap wasn't faster? ;-) Stitchery is looking good.
Glad you clarified that "my girls" remark..tee hee...
You can never click to enlarge pics on my blog either unless I post them small.
Your stitchery is great. I LOVE stem stitch.
Oh, what a day you've had! Gosh, and you even said something nice about me? Hey, do I have the right blog?! LOL! I upload my photos on large with no positioning format, and I upload them usually in the order they'll end up. And then I cross my fingers and tap my magic wand against the computer screen three times. I think that does it because when I check (not all that often), my photos seem to be clickable.
EWWWWWW mice! Well at least it ended up in the trap.
Your stitchery is adorable. I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying it. I've been having a blast with it, too.
Looks like you had a busy day!
I sometimes miss my cat (my son has her now since she LOVED tormenting Bentley). She was an incredible mouser.
I can sympathize about the help desk. I have a very hard time with them when all they do is use scripts which aren't very helpful.
As to what is wrong with your pictures... there is a problem with the html on your page. When you use blogger to create or edit a post there are two sections you can type in. One tab says 'Compose' where most of us do our typing and the other area is '
Edit Html'. That's where you could fix your problem. The images all have html tags that start with "a href=" (without the quotes) and then the area where your image is stored.
HTML tags are very sensitive and have an opening and closing part. If either of those is messed up your image doesn't display correctly.
Now that's more and less than you wanted to know. ;) It's less cause it's not exactly how to fix it, and it's more cause I'm sure you are bored silly with the technical stuff. Here's an example of how a 'good' tag should almost look (I say almost because there needs to be < at the beginning and > at the end. I can't put that on or it becomes a link instead of text:
a href=""
Not quite the sounds I'd want to hear in the middle of the night, and dead mouse bodies....yuck.... So glad your hubby has his priorities right, asking about the cats, before his darling I always re'size my photo's to a web page sieze before I upload them, maybe that might help of you could call one of your wonderful friends in Pakistan, Thailand or Love your stitchery, glad to see more quilters are turning to embroidery thread and needle. Has the parcel arrived yet?
You are kidding, right? You just made those names up. Hope you are back in business. Sometimes my photos don't enlarge if I move them around too much. I have this problem about wanting them in a certain place. You can always post them and check, then delete if they don't enlarge, and bring them up again. Or...just leave em.
Love your kitty stitchery! I have some of those kitties, will have to check which months I have. As for the mice, EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK! I hate them, too.
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